Finally, the month of “LGBT Pride” has come to an end. Many victories were won throughout this month, but not for their movement. This is a month that is actually known as the month of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Victories included a Supreme Court ruling in favor of businesses and organizations having the right to deny service to LGBT individuals if their actions violate their conscience, and noticeable pushback on and declining favorability for homosexuality and transgenderism; this is indicated by several polls. But, even if the populace did not increasingly view homosexuality as immoral, transgenderism as nonsensical, and the broader movement as degenerate, the objective moral teachings of our Catholic Christian faith remain: including that homosexuality is evil. Right is right, and wrong is wrong, whether or not people in societies recognize such. God has laid out objective moral commands written on the human heart and in the law of nature, and has revealed this through Sacred Scripture, Sacred Tradition, and the teaching office of the Church Jesus founded and guides: The Catholic Church.
This article will serve as a simple demonstration of why homosexuality is wrong through these sources. I have received great pushback for my articulation of these teachings, which I adhere to, and have not made up based on my own subjective understanding of theology, and do not go out of my way to tell those living a homosexual lifestyle (different than simply possessing same sex attraction) that they are going to hell for their sins, but if the question is asked: “what is the moral truth about homosexuality” and “what is the fate of unrepentant souls who engage in homosexuality,” then I have to answer honestly, truthfully, and unapologetically, even though I will pray for every soul, both for those who seek answers and for those who could care less about sexual sin. But I cannot compromise the Truth revealed by God directly through the mouth of Jesus, through the Church Jesus built and guides with the Holy Spirit, as well as through prophets throughout the ages who God gave teachings to, through the apostles who knew Jesus who is the Son of God the Father, and the saints who have most accurately emulated the Christian life throughout the ages. Homosexuality is wrong, and pride is wrong, especially if one is taking pride in degenerate activity.
The Old Testament clearly affirms that God created by nature marriage for one man and one woman in a permanent, comprehensive, complimentary union for the procreation and rearing of children. Remember, it says: “Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and they shall become one flesh” (Genesis 2:24). And Jesus, the Lord made flesh, describes marriage in this way: “Have you not read that he who created them from the beginning made them male and female, and said, ‘Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh’? So they are no longer two but one flesh. What therefore God has joined together, let not man separate” (Matthew 19:4-6). From the evidence, it is pretty clear that God, who is Truth and Goodness itself by His very nature, believes marriage is for one man and one woman, not for one man and one woman or two men, two women, or a multitude of either mixed together. John 14:6 records Jesus claiming the title of God, saying: “I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life.” But does this mean that homosexuality, behaviorally, is morally permissible, and ought to be socially acceptable, considered morally permissible, and legally protected, so long as it is not elevated to the status of marriage? No.
In the Old Testament, Leviticus 10:22 reads: “Do not have sexual relations with a man as one does with a woman; that is detestable.” Likewise, Leviticus 20:13 reads: “If a man has sexual relations with a man as one does with a woman, both of them have done what is detestable.” Perhaps this changed with the New Testament, like how Jesus fulfilled the Law of the Old Covenant, and declared circumcision spiritually unnecessary and not beneficial, and instituted baptism as the saving means of faith initiation instead? Is the teaching on the immorality of homosexuality equivalent to temporary Old Testament restrictions on eating certain foods as part of the Law? No: the biblical teaching on the inherent immorality of homosexuality is equivalent to the biblical teaching of the inherent immorality of murder, adultery, and fornication. As Catholic Answers writes: “In other words, if we can disregard rules like the ban on eating shellfish in Leviticus 11:12, then we should be allowed to disobey other prohibitions from the Old Testament. But this argument confuses the Old Testament’s temporary ceremonial laws with its permanent moral laws. Here’s an analogy to help understand this distinction. I remember two rules my mom gave me when I was young: hold her hand when I cross the street and don’t drink what’s under the sink. Today, I have to follow only the latter rule, since the former is no longer needed to protect me. In fact, it would now do me more harm than good. Old Testament ritual/ceremonial laws were like mom’s handholding rule. The reason they forbade the Israelites from using certain fabrics or foods, or interacting with bodily fluids, was to keep them ritually distinct from their pagan neighbors. Rites involving external purity and cleanliness helped the Israelites better understand the internal purity God’s law requires. But by the time of the New Covenant, the ceremonial laws were no longer needed to accomplish this goal and so they were repealed (Mark 7:19). While the Old Testament’s ceremonial laws could be repealed, its moral laws that forbade intrinsic evils like murder or adultery are forever binding. They are more like my mother’s ban on Drano martinis than her handholding rule, because those acts can harm people, regardless of cultural circumstance. That we don’t enforce the penalty associated with these laws (such as death for adultery) doesn’t mean these acts are not grave violations of the moral law.”
Jesus still declared marriage to be a permanent union between one man and one woman in Matthew 19:4-6, quoted above, and His apostles (both original and those like Paul, along with the early church fathers, saints throughout history, and the Church itself through the Magisterium) have all clearly agreed upon the immorality of the homosexual lifestyle.
Consider the following New Testament verses:
“For this reason God gave them up to dishonorable passions. Their women exchanged natural relations for unnatural, and the men likewise gave up natural relations with women and were consumed with passion for one another, men committing shameless acts with men and receiving in their own persons the due penalty for their error” (Rom. 1:26–27).
“Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived; neither the immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men who have sex with men, nor thieves, nor the greedy, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor robbers will inherit the kingdom of God” (1 Cor. 6:9–10).
“Now we know that the law is good, if any one uses it lawfully, understanding this, that the law is not laid down for the just but for the lawless and disobedient, for the ungodly and sinners, for the unholy and profane, for murderers of fathers and murderers of mothers, for manslayers, immoral persons, sodomites, kidnappers, liars, perjurers, and whatever else is contrary to sound doctrine” (1 Tim. 1:8–10).
“Just as Sodom and Gomorrah and the surrounding cities, which likewise acted immorally and indulged in unnatural lust, serve as an example by undergoing a punishment of eternal fire” (Jude 7).
The Catechism of the Catholic Church reads the following on homosexuality:
2357 Homosexuality refers to relations between men or between women who experience an exclusive or predominant sexual attraction toward persons of the same sex. It has taken a great variety of forms through the centuries and in different cultures. Its psychological genesis remains largely unexplained. Basing itself on Sacred Scripture, which presents homosexual acts as acts of grave depravity, tradition has always declared that “homosexual acts are intrinsically disordered.” They are contrary to the natural law. They close the sexual act to the gift of life. They do not proceed from a genuine affective and sexual complementarity. Under no circumstances can they be approved.
2358: The number of men and women who have deep-seated homosexual tendencies is not negligible. This inclination, which is objectively disordered, constitutes for most of them a trial. They must be accepted with respect, compassion, and sensitivity. Every sign of unjust discrimination in their regard should be avoided. These persons are called to fulfill God's will in their lives and, if they are Christians, to unite to the sacrifice of the Lord's Cross the difficulties they may encounter from their condition.
2359: Homosexual persons are called to chastity. By the virtues of self-mastery that teach them inner freedom, at times by the support of disinterested friendship, by prayer and sacramental grace, they can and should gradually and resolutely approach Christian perfection.
If one feels compelled to discuss with me why I believe that the Catholic Church is the Church Jesus founded- reach out and I will dialogue, and I’ll link below an essay on historical evidence for the Church being founded by Christ below; one must only looks at the historical record to see clear succession from Christ and His apostles to the clergymen of the Catholic Church today to recognize this truth. Even if you are not Catholic, which you should be, the record of Sacred Scripture is clear, as is the record of saints of the Christian faith- who have consistently taught the same as the Scriptures declared, and the Church has declared and taught- throughout the 2,000 years since the time of Jesus: that homosexuality is immoral. Look at the quotes below:
“But though such is our character (Oh! why should I speak of things unfit to be uttered?), the things said of us are an example of the proverb, 'The harlot reproves the chaste.' For those who have set up a market for fornication and established infamous resorts for the young for every kind of vile pleasure – who do not abstain even from males, males with males committing shocking abominations, outraging all the noblest and comeliest bodies in all sorts of ways, so dishonoring the fair workmanship of God.” - Athenagoras of Athens (2nd century)
“[God in the Law given to Moses] having forbidden all unlawful marriage, and all unseemly practice, and the union of women with women and men with men.” - Eusebius of Caesarea (260-341)
Saint John Chrysostom: “But if thou scoffest at hearing of hell and believest not that fire, remember Sodom. For we have seen, surely we have seen, even in this present life, a semblance of hell. For since many would utterly disbelieve the things to come after the resurrection, hearing now of an unquenchable fire, God brings them to a right mind by things present. For such is the burning of Sodom, and that conflagration.” He also said: “Consider how great is that sin, to have forced hell to appear even before its time!… For that rain was unwonted, for the intercourse was contrary to nature, and it deluged the land, since lust had done so with their souls. Wherefore also the rain was the opposite of the customary rain. Now not only did it fail to stir up the womb of the earth to the production of fruits, but made it even useless for the reception of seed. For such was also the intercourse of the men, making a body of this sort more worthless than the very land of Sodom. And what is there more detestable than a man who hath pandered himself, or what more execrable?”
“Those offences which be contrary to nature are everywhere and at all times to be held in detestation and punished; such were those of the Sodomites, which should all nations commit, they should all be held guilty of the same crime by the divine law, which hath not so made men that they should in that way abuse one another. For even that fellowship which should be between God and us is violated, when that same nature of which He is author is polluted by the perversity of lust.” - Saint Augustine (354-430)
“Sacred Scripture itself confirms that sulfur evokes the stench of the flesh, as it speaks of the rain of fire and sulfur poured upon Sodom by the Lord. He had decided to punish Sodom for the crimes of the flesh, and the very type of punishment he chose emphasized the shame of that crime. For sulfur stinks, and fire burns. So it was just that Sodomites, burning with perverse desires arising from the flesh like stench, should perish by fire and sulfur so that through this just punishment they would realize the evil they had committed, led by a perverse desire.” - Saint Gregory the Great (540-604)
“Truly, this vice [homosexuality] is never to be compared with any other vice because it surpasses the enormity of all vices.… It defiles everything, stains everything, pollutes everything. And as for itself, it permits nothing pure, nothing clean, nothing other than filth… It becomes unmindful of God and even forgetful of itself. This plague undermines the foundation of faith, weakens the strength of hope, destroys the bond of charity; it takes away justice, subverts fortitude, banishes temperance, blunts the keenness of prudence.” - St. Peter Damien (1007-1072)
“And what more should I say since it expels the whole host of the virtues from the chamber of the human heart and introduces every barbarous vice as if the bolts of the doors were pulled out.” - Saint Peter Damian (1007-1072)
Saint Thomas Aquinas (1225-1274): “If all the sins of the flesh are worthy of condemnation because by them man allows himself to be dominated by that which he has of the animal nature, much more deserving of condemnation are the sins against nature by which man degrades his own animal nature.” Also: “Man can sin against nature in two ways. First, when he sins against his specific rational nature, acting contrary to reason. In this sense, we can say that every sin is a sin against man’s nature, because it is against man’s right reason….” Further: “Secondly, man sins against nature when he goes against his generic nature, that is to say, his animal nature. Now, it is evident that, in accord with natural order, the union of the sexes among animals is ordered towards conception. From this it follows that every sexual intercourse that cannot lead to conception is opposed to man’s animal nature." - Saint Thomas Aquinas (1225-1274)
“No sin in the world grips the soul as the accursed sodomy; this sin has always been detested by all those who live according to God.… Deviant passion is close to madness; this vice disturbs the intellect, destroys elevation and generosity of soul, brings the mind down from great thoughts to the lowliest, makes the person slothful, irascible, obstinate and obdurate, servile and soft and incapable of anything; furthermore, agitated by an insatiable craving for pleasure, the person follows not reason but frenzy.… They become blind and, when their thoughts should soar to high and great things, they are broken down and reduced to vile and useless and putrid things, which could never make them happy.... Just as people participate in the glory of God in different degrees, so also in hell some suffer more than others. He who lived with this vice of sodomy suffers more than another, for this is the greatest sin.” - Saint Bernadine of Siena (1380-1444)
“As the Sacred Scripture says, the Sodomites were wicked and exceedingly sinful. Saint Peter and Saint Paul condemn this nefarious and depraved sin. In fact, the Scripture denounces this enormous indecency thus: 'The scandal of Sodomites and Gomorrhans has multiplied and their sins have become grave beyond measure.' So the angels said to just Lot, who totally abhorred the depravity of the Sodomites: 'Let us leave this city....' Holy Scripture does not fail to mention the causes that led the Sodomites, and can also lead others, to this most grievous sin. In fact, in Ezechiel we read: 'Behold this was the iniquity of Sodom: pride, fullness of bread, and abundance, and the idleness of her, and of her daughters: and they did not put forth their hand to the needy, and the poor. And they were lifted up, and committed abominations before me; and I took them away as thou hast seen' (Ezech. 16: 49-50). Those unashamed of violating divine and natural law are slaves of this never sufficiently execrated depravity.” - Saint Peter Canisius (1521-1597)
Even the more “tolerant” Pope Francis, has rejected the moral permissibility of homosexuality, despite his rhetorical attempts to be welcoming. The Vatican said the Catholic Church and its priests cannot bless same-sex unions because God “cannot bless sin.” The Vatican reordered that same-sex “marriages” are a “sin” in a statement released as part of its daily news bulletin. The Catholic Church’s governing body added that queer people cannot be blessed in the faith unless they are single and celibate, as I will note and further elaborate on below, and remember: this is the same call to duty and sacrifice of celibacy that priests and such clergy in the Church are called to. “There are absolutely no grounds for considering homosexual unions to be in any way similar or even remotely analogous to God’s plan for marriage and family,” the Vatican’s orthodoxy office, the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, said in a two-page statement that was approved by Pope Francis.
Pope Francis has rightfully and empathetic ally said: “homosexuals have a right to be a part of the family. ... They're children of God and have a right to a family. Nobody should be thrown out, or be made miserable because of it." I wholeheartedly agree: it isn’t fair to abandon those with a certain sexual attraction, although you have a right to disprove of a certain lifestyle opposed by the Church, and you don’t HAVE to associate with those who are bringing you closer to a sinful lifestyle or habit in friendship. But what is true, which Pope Francis says, is that everyone, including homosexuals, deserve to be loved by their parents and have someone to talk to and their dignity as a human person protected.
Pope Francis addressed parents “who see children have different sexual orientations, how they manage that and accompany their children and not hide behind a condemning attitude.” He warned, “Never condemn a child,” which is true. Many young people are going through confusing and stressful times and still understanding their sexuality, and we shouldn’t bully them for that, especially someone young, nor should we affirm transgender thinking and way of life, and direct anyone, let alone young people, to mutilate their genitals, take puberty blocking pills and medications, and downplay the role that sin has on our soul and health, especially when it comes to a delicate area like romance and sex.
Pope Francis must be treated with respect and deserves a laity who will regard him with charity and seek to honestly learn and understand his quotations as head of the Church. He, rightfully, is frustrated with the media and other outlets in the world, twisting his words and attacking the Church teaching on homosexuality. He said: “Once I was asked a question on a flight- it made me angry afterwards, it made me angry because of how the media reported it- about the family integration of people with homosexual orientation, and I said: homosexual people have a right be a part of a family, people with homosexual orientation have a right to be in a family and the parents have the right to recognize this son as homosexual, this daughter as homosexual. Nobody should be thrown out or be miserable because of it. Another thing- I said- when we see some sign in children that are growing, and then you send them… I should have said to a ‘professional’, but I said ‘psychiatrist’. I wanted to say a professional, because sometimes there are signs in adolescence or pre-adolescence where they don’t know if it is a homosexual tendency or if the thymus gland atrophied with time- I don’t know, a thousand things, no? So, a professional. The headline of the newspaper: ‘The Pope sends homosexuals to the psychiatrist’. It is not true! They asked me a question and I repeated again: ‘They are sons of God, they have a right to a family, and so forth’. Another thing is… and I explained: I was wrong in using that word, but wanted to say this: ‘When you notice something’… ‘Ah, it’s strange…’ No, it’s not strange. It’s something out of the ordinary. In other words, they took a small word to nullify the context. There, what I said was: ‘they have a right to a family’. And that does not mean approving homosexual acts, not in the least.”
Further, engaging in romantic relationships with those of the same sex (without actually engaging in homosexual sexual activity itself) is still not morally permissible because this romantic endeavor still pervades the design of romance by God (between one man and one women, ordered towards marriage, which is ordered towards procreation and the rearing of children), it also brings about grave scandal on the individual to all of society and the faithful by promoting this as a behavior which should be normalized and considered morally permissible (it is not), and distorts the truth of the Gospel, and fundamental teachings of the Christian faith, rooted in Sacred Scripture (The Bible), Sacred Tradition, and the Church’s Magisterium, for over 2,000 years- including before the time of Jesus through today.
For these reasons, a person who is engaged in homosexual relationships cannot be considered “saved”, and if not able or desiring to engage in a relationship which is morally permissible (heterosexual relations rooted in chastity), than celibacy is necessary, as homosexuality in action is gravely sinful- mortally, in fact. The mission of chastity- refraining from all sexual immorality, and the gift of purity, should be desired by all individuals, whether their sexual orientation is straight or gay, and all sexual sins- masturbation (with or without pornography), onanism (the use of contraception), adultery (sex with someone other than one’s spouse), and fornication (sex before marriage) are grave in nature, and without repentance (a remorseful heart and mind, and a willful desire to change from your sinful ways going forward, with actions proving this authenticity going forward with the time you have on earth): these sins will lead to eternal damnation from God- should you choose to violate His moral commands. Sodomy, particularly, however, carries grave culpability for one’s soul, because it is such a perverse nature of the sexual organs and the sexual act- which God created for the complementary union of married husband and wife to express mutual love, and inherently: it must be open to procreation. This is impossible with a same-sex relationship, and thus: is contrary to the natural law and commands of God. Neither for same-sex or “heterosexual” relationships is an outside, disordered means of creating life permissible; i.e. in-vitro fertilization (IVF).
If you love God more than you love the sinful, fallen world, and if you desire communion with Him for eternity, and believe He is all-good and deserves the worship, praise, and obedience that Our Creator & Heavenly Father warrants by His very nature: then turn away from your homosexual activities, seek God’s healing and guidance through prayer and the sacraments, dismiss your pride which tells you to ignore the moral commands on this teaching so clearly revealed by God throughout salvation history, and seek spiritual direction from the people God had ordained as spiritual leaders in His Church when it proves difficult- and it will- as I have struggled with lust, scrupulosity, theological questions, and other things in my faith journey, upon my conversion in the fall of 2021, and my baptism and confirmation in April of 2022- not too long ago.
If you fall into old sinful habits, and struggle with interior temptations, get back up by the grace of God, keep working through it, and draw closer to the Lord, but never make excuse for your sin, cause scandal by normalizing it in your mind and to others, or persist in the ways that lead one to the path of eternal damnation- by embracing homosexual relations and activities. Make your choice! My prayers are with all those who have same sex attraction, those struggling with sexual sin, and those seeking to compassionately but honestly address the theological issues of homosexuality to those in our culture and around the world!
If only you knew how much I prayed for and offered up acts of atonement for those in sexual sin, including those in the LGBT movement who think I hate them; I really don’t- especially on a personable basis! I wrote entire articles and short books trying to talk about these issues- and am kind to everyone regardless of their orientation! LGBT people typically don’t hate me on the personal level- they only grow to hate me once they realize my worldview is not in alignment with theirs! I am kind to all-and certainly try! I don’t name call or encourage mistreatment, but I cannot tolerate wrongdoing or distort that which I know to be moral and true! I can’t please everyone- I will never try to, but I will try to personally show care for any individual, especially those seeking to better know God and His teachings! Christ is King!
My Full Marriage & LGBT-Discussed Shortbook:
Early Church Historical Evidence for Papacy (Showing Jesus Founded Catholic Church):
this the stupidest shit i’ve ever seen