Make America Safe Again! Answering The Gun Control Debate!
With violent crime and killings on the rise, I will respond to gun control narratives and give the correct take and big picture answer on the situation here!
Hosea 4:2 from the Old Testament reads: “There is swearing, lying, murder, stealing, and committing adultery; they break all bounds, and bloodshed follows bloodshed.” Unfortunately, this excerpt from the biblical prophet Hosea 2,800 years ago sounds a lot like America in the last few decades, particularly today. Rising violence has stripped many innocent lives in our nation in the past few weeks alone- first in Buffalo, then in Uvalde, Texas, and then at a hospital in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Whatever your political ideology is, we can all admit: these are objectively evil actions done by deranged and cruel individuals, and victims of these heinous acts cross any potential divides of race, religion, ethnicity, geography, and ideology. These victims deserve our prayers, because God- whom many unfortunately begin to doubt rather than turn to in these traumatic and troubling situations, extends His love, grace, and mercy to all His children. People often cringe and roll their eyes at the words “thoughts and prayers,” and we should note offering prayers for the victims and their families doesn’t equate inaction, but recognition that God’s reach is so much more impactful than that of politicians and pundits. I just recently made a video and essay arguing for God’s existence in the midst of a world of evil, violence, and destruction, and noted how there is a time for theological discussions and conversion attempts, but an even greater role that love, empathy, and human compassion must play in these moments.
“Do something!” is often the response to the offering of prayers by our culture, and while I agree: we need to be willing to discuss solutions and actions that can prevent these things from happening ever again. But let us not do, as the Washington Post has, in these times of grief and tragedy, by pitting people against one another. Unfortunately, an opinion piece by one of their liberal editors started blaming Americans for the crimes of other evil individuals, titling their article: “You. This is your fault.” before proceeding to lambast the “gun-obsessed minority who lord over our politics and prevent change from being made.” ‘Twas written: “you who mumble ‘thoughts and prayers’ but balk at action.” This is incredibly divisive and inappropriate, and we on the right in favor of gun rights should be (and almost always are)- open to finding solutions to preventing future acts of violence from guns. The problem is the emotional tyrants on the left instead propose the conversation as: “commit to our gun control proposals or be dubbed unempathetic extremists.” In this essay, I will talk to you as readers about these proposals and narratives from the elites and leftists of our country about gun control, and will take you through all aspects of this conversation. But before we do that, we must address the current events, and try our best to be rational and put a pause on the emotions taking hold of this dialogue.
The first of the shootings recently took place in Buffalo. The shooter killed 10 black Americans, and injured 3 others. I wish we could have stopped this! Oh, wait! We could have! A former federal agent knew of this, according to investigations! A Revolt.Tv article notes: “The former agent, who is believed to be from Texas, was one of the users who regularly communicated with suspected gunman Payton Gendron in an online chatroom. As previously reported by REVOLT, the suspect allegedly alerted 15 members in an online chatroom on the Discord app about the deadly attack 30 minutes before carrying out his plan. Sources say that officials believe the former federal agent could be one of six people who had regular contact with Gendron in the online discussion forum where racist rhetoric was often discussed.” It just so happens, the shooter of the Uvalde Texas Elementary School was also in this group chat online with the federal agent, where they were reportedly giving him information about guns, and getting him riled up about racial hatred and violent actions. No action was taken from this, even though the Texas shooter, a Hispanic individual, had been arrested four years ago for planning to shoot up a school when he turned 18 years old, saying: “when I'm a senior in 2022, I am going to shoot up a school." Nothing was done to prevent this horrific atrocity despite the fact he shot his grandmother earlier in the day, texted a friend he had shot his grandmother and planned to shoot up the school prior to the shooting taking place, he fired shots for approximately five minutes outside of the school before attacking those inside, and he entered an unlocked door in order to enter the school to kill 21 innocent lives. Nothing was done to prevent this, or limit the damage, on top of this prior clear warning signs that might have prevented the horrific attack, even though it took police 15 minutes to show up to the site of the shooting, and police officers waited 78 minutes on-site before breaching the classroom to engage Ramos, despite 3 9-1-1 phone calls and numerous texts to relatives and loved ones of the victims on the inside to the outside. Again, putting aside the debates of gun control: basic competence should have prevented this shooting in Uvalde, Texas, right? Even the one in Buffalo, right?
Unfortunately such is not the case. In March 2018, a similar egregious act of violence took place at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School. The deranged shooter, Nikolas Cruz, was not exactly a special case of surprise either. This was an individual whom: had behavioral issues since middle school, transferred between schools six times in three years in an effort to deal with these problems, made threats against students at a school for children with emotional or learning disabilities, was investigated by the Florida Department of Children and Families in September 2016 for Snapchat posts in which he cut both his arms and said he planned to buy a gun, and was reported, by state investigators to have depression, autism, and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). This is an individual who- according to CNN through a public records request: showed that from 2008 to 2017, at least 45 calls were made in reference to Cruz, his brother, or the family home. On February 5, 2016, the calls included an anonymous tip that Cruz had threatened to shoot up the school, and a tip on November 30, 2017, that he might be a "school shooter in the making" and that he collected knives and guns. On September 23, 2016, a peer counselor notified the school resource officer of his suicide attempt and intent to buy a gun; the school indicated it would do a "threat assessment.” This is an individual who- on January 5, 2018, less than two months before the shooting, was investigated when the FBI received a tip on its Public Access Line from a person who was close to Cruz. On February 16, two days after the shooting, the FBI released a statement that detailed this information. According to the statement, "The caller provided information about Cruz's gun ownership, desire to kill people, erratic behavior, and disturbing social media posts, as well as the potential of him conducting a school shooting.” Despite this, he slipped through the background check system, and was able to kill innocent people. I’m all for comprehensive background checks, but would proposals like the Democrats (that I will get into later) really be necessary or effective in preventing shootings, when basic action and competence by law enforcement would prevent it?
But it gets worse: just like at the Uvalde, Texas shooting when officers took over an hour to confront the shooter in the building, at the High School in Florida: Broward County Deputy Scot Peterson- the school resource officer at the school at the time and that was present that day at the shooting: stayed outside during the time of the shooting, and police took 58 minutes to enter the building. 17 were already dead. The Department of Law Enforcement said its inquiry showed that the school resource officer- Scot Peterson did not investigate the source of the gunshots, retreated during the shooting while victims were still under attack and directed other law enforcement officers to remain 500 feet away from the building. The investigation found that he had gone behind his car, outside of campus, and put on his bulletproof vest, and did not make his first radio transmission to direct a response until five minutes after he arrived- 10 minutes after the first radio communications about the shooting. His defense was that he didn’t know which of the buildings the shooter was in in the midst of the chaos, yet: he stood outside the entire time, and didn’t enter any of the buildings! At Uvalde, parents were trying to rush in at Uvalde, but were held back, despite the police not going in. It took a brave Border Patrol agent, Jacob Albarado, to stop it. Everyone wants to talk about gun control, but here is our real problem: men no longer are as strong, masculine, and courageous as they once were. This is due to cultural attacks on masculinity, partnered with poison in our food like soy and seed oils driving down their testosterone. And again, in all of these cases- the FBI authorities had knowledge of these shooters and their plans or insanity and violent nature, and police in these cases- and in many times- despite examples of brave law enforcement out there, and endless routines and drills for situations like this; they have failed our people, have failed to protect innocent lives- including young children and students, and individuals like those at Duvalde and Parkland should be ashamed of themselves. They deserve to be forced to resign, and frankly: prosecuted for negligence. That’s what happened to Scot Peterson along with the firing of ParklandSheriff Scott Israel, and quite frankly: there is blood on the hands of weak individuals throughout the American Regime, for their knowledge of such plots like mass shootings, and for much, much more. To quote President Biden from his address on the violence: “How much more carnage?” If we want to put an end to these shootings, let’s clean the American regime of failed bureaucrats and globalist elites who sit by as our country seemingly is set on fire.
Before we take the time to respond to the proposals of the American regime and the left on gun control, we have to first clear up some of their narratives on guns themselves. One of the most prominent subjects of their attack lines on guns are “assault rifles'' or “weapons of war.” Unsurprisingly and evidently, most gun control supporters know very little about the process of getting guns, how the guns themselves fire and operate, and that leads you to statements made by President Biden in which he has said, “There is no rationale for us to have these assault weapons.” The facts do not support your rhetoric, Mr. President. In 2012, only 322 people were murdered with any kind of rifle, FBI data shows; only 404 in a more recent year, and FBI Reports show only 364 homicides with rifles in 2019. Handguns were used in more than 80% of gun murders each year and handguns were the weapon also most likely to kill you. More signifigantly, while homicides and gun murders- even mass shootings, are rising, they fail to account for the fact well over 50%, ⅔ according to some analyses, of gun deaths are from suicides!
So, why aren’t anti-gun politicians like Joe Biden calling for the banning of handguns, or knives which kill more than rifles? Because it’s not about actual solutions, it’s about genuine control and emotional rhetoric. One of the claims by Democrats like Joe Biden about guns, in their proposals, is the need to ban “high capacity magazines.” Biden once said, “Who needs a clip that can hold 100 rounds” or “you cannot have 20, 30, 40, 50 clips in a weapon.” This is absurd and factually incorrect. The terms “clip” and “magazine,” when referencing guns in political discussions and debate, are often used incorrectly and interchangeably. But each is different from one another, from their functions to their physical description. Democrats are, in fact, attempting to ban what lawmakers call “high-capacity magazines,” which feed rounds of ammunition, whereas “clips” feed magazines. Moreover, this still further hurts law abiding citizens using magazines for hunting or at shooting ranges, or for sport or for fun, or to defend themselves. But they don’t care about you. They blame you. And they hate you.
These same people who call conservatives evil and bigoted for allegedly stereotyping all Black Lives Matter supporters as “violent, thugs” are the same people who hypocrtically blame you for mass shootings by not tagging along to their gun control proposals, and who call you “extremists” for talking about demographic replacement and immigration, or put out divisive headlines like this in the middle of troubling and heartbreaking moments for American families:
Let’s talk about the demographics of the mass shooters, and keep in mind: everyone of them is equally repulsive for their violence and murders, regardless of race or motive. Unsurprisingly: 97% of the shooters have been males. And indeed, a lot of them have been white men, which- as horrible as those people may have been if they shot innocent people, are most of the population. Uniquely, “Between 1982 and June 2022, 68 out of the 129 mass shootings in the United States were carried out by white shooters. By comparison, the perpetrator was African American in 21 mass shootings, and Latino in 11. When calculated as percentages, this amounts to 53%, 16%, and 8.5% respectively.” To clarify, this scope was smaller and covered a broader number of victims in the study per shooting. In 2021, out of 227 mass shootings (note: the scope is smaller here in required victims, and often includes the underlooked factor of gang crime in our inner cities), black Americans perpetrated 192 of them (74%), white Americans perpetrated 31 of them (12%), and Hispanic Americans perpetrated 31 of them (12%). Only 4 were committed by Asian Americans- 2%. Everyone wants to talk about white supremacy and racism towards minorities being the biggest news story, but Asian hate crimes were largely perpetrated by blacks: 2019 Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) report showing that 27.5% of violent criminals targeting an Asian victim are black and only 24.1% are white. We know the narrative: when whites are the shooters- it’s “racism” and “white supremacy”, but when it’s minorities perpetrating it: it’s just “gun violence” and calls for gun control are taken up. They don’t care.
While the taking of an innocent life for a person of any race is tragic, we cannot ignore the vast majority of gun deaths, and even many “mass shootings,” are from handguns and perpetrated by black individuals, usually against other black individuals. African-Americans are often the worst victims of black crimes, yet we continue to promote anti-white hatred by promoting the media narrative that mass shooters are solely white males, and only showing their story on our nightly news television programs, rather than the countless examples of black homicides.
Joe Biden is right to say: “enough with the carnage,” in terms of black crime, too. Consider this: the U.S. murder rate rose 30% between 2019 and 2020- the largest single-year increase in over a century. Pew Research found some damning statistics: the year-over-year increase in the murder rate in 2020 was the largest since at least 1905 and possibly ever, most states saw their murder rates go up from 2019, firearms were involved in 77% of murders in 2020- up from 73% in 2019, and the percentage of murders that were solve declined 7% in 2020. None of our major cities are safe: look at New York, Baltimore, Chicago, Los Angeles, Detroit, Philadelphia, etc. In 2016- the homicide number in Chicago was more than the total number of deaths for US soldiers in Afghanistan and Iraq. In 2015, 2,988 people were shot; by September 2016- that number was surpassed. These numbers have only grown since the George Floyd Shooting in 2020, and the riots and violent crime waves that have shot up since. The Heritage Foundation found, “From the end of May [2020] through the rest of 2020, all of the crimes we analyzed increased dramatically- violent crime by 25% and property crime by 39%, compared to the same period 2016-19.
Homicide spiked in this period by 54%, as did robberies (11%), aggravated assaults (31%), and motor vehicle theft (87%). In October 2021, the New York Post reported on the rising crime wave in NYC. They found the murder rate shot up by 47%, the biggest increase in city history- greater than 1968, when similar racial riots happened along with violent crime waves (32% increase). Violent crime in the subways was more than twice than what it was in 2019.” This is what happens when you become weak on crime, when you defund or obstruct the ability of police to do their job and restore order in the streets and establish a civil and peaceful atmosphere for ordinary, law-abiding citizens. Nearly $1 billion was shifted from police budgets in 2020 right after Black Lives Matter voices took over the debate. Joe Biden is right, crime is soaring, and the loss of life from it is damning, but the greatest solution we can offer is an end to weak-on-crime district attorneys in our major cities who let criminals off of the hook, and into our communities to commit egregious crimes and take innocent lives. What are we doing to ourselves as a country? Other nations are laughing at us and our incompetence. Just recently- in January 2022, two Portland men shot and killed a pregnant woman during a burglary, and were sentenced to only 7.5 and 10 years respectively. When will America be a serious country once again by destroying and bringing real justice to these animals and thugs who commit such unspeakable crimes without remorse, instead of allowing these people to be able to repeat such offenses? I will not let our country turn into a third world nation, or allow the legacy of America’s greatest cities to go down the tubes! This should make our leaders furious; any right-minded, loyal citizen with a heart for compassion and an eye for patriotism would be outraged as this takes place in an American city and neighborhood. But the elites don’t care.
But you know what’s heartbreaking: the continued crime in our cities with black victims daily won’t be kept on the news for more than five minutes, but any shooting with a white perpetrator is on repeat for continuous periods of time. What’s heartbreaking is that they will use events like the Buffalo Shooting to denounce conservatives concerned about immigration and demographics as “domestic terrorists” and “far-right extremists” but when a black individual drives an SUV through a Christmas parade like was done in Waukesha, Wisconsin, which wounded killed 6 and wounded 62 others, they don’t call it terrorism, even though he posted anti-white rhetoric on Facebook, saying: “So when we start bakk knokkin white people TF out ion wanna hear it… the old white people 2, KNOCKK DEM TF OUT!! PERIOD…” They call it anything else but anti-white terrorism, and sweep the story under the rug.
They also say gun violence and mass shootings are a uniquely American problem. They say, “Why can’t we ban assault weapons like other countries do? They don’t have this problem.” I’ll agree to an extent: other countries don’t have this copycat crime culture of mass shootings, which the media undeniably entertains and incentivizes even further. For example, like the U.S., Britain also has a weak crime policy, and all of these European countries have opened up their communities to be made more vulnerable through tolerance of mass immigration and Muslim immmigration, namely Germany, which has led to a rise in crimes such as terrorism, rape, stabbings particularly within murder, and beyond. Consider this: In the year ending March 2021, there were around 41,000 (selected) offenses involving a knife or sharp instrument in England and Wales (excluding Greater Manchester Police Force). This is worse than the amount of gun deaths in America, ⅔ of which are suicides. Actually, in America, in 2020, the number of homicide deaths from knives were 1,739, while the number of homicides for rifles was 455.
What’s the lesson from this? Simply put: guns, while an easier mechanism perhaps than knives to do more killing for the wicked amongst our society, are simply a tool- not the problem.
America ranks 64th in the world, actually, in terms of mass shooting deaths per capita, and 32nd in rates of gun deaths. A school shooting actually happened in Germany not too long before the one in Dulvade, Texas, despite their strict gun laws. We rank 54th in the world in children’s homicides per capita, and 76th in homicides per capita in the world. I’m with anyone across the political spectrum in solving these debates about violent crime- especially ones that victimize our children when they’re at school, and in such brutal ways. But let us not act like this is a purely “white American male” problem. And gun control, if you take a look at liberal cities and states with some of the strictest gun control laws, are not solving their homicide problems. Our inner cities, as I noted earlier, are less safe than warzones in the Middle East, in some cases. How does that make America look, as a supposed “leader of the free world.” It’s disgraceful.
They also don’t talk about how it all came about. America has always had guns, though the weapons themselves may have advanced and evolved into more superior and lethal ones. In fact, we used to teach our children at school how to use guns safely, because it was a part of our way of life. Of course you had random cases of people going insane and killing people, but not like today. The age of violent crime, mass murder, and serial killers didn’t begin until the 1970s, just after the societal changes of the last decade broke us down and tore us apart as a people. Of course, I’m talking about the counter-cultural revolutions of the late 1960s: the movement that normalized premarital sex, and promoted birth control, which made responsible sex between a man and a woman meaningless and unneccesary, much less within marriage and for the procreation of life or pleasing of your spouse as you became one flesh. This was the movement that promoted the normalization of pornography which objectifes women, hampers with the minds of its users and destroys their dopamine reward system which chemically allows happiness, and has ruined more relationships with more men and women than any single case of adultery or strip club may. Now such an evil and drug is available to our children before they turn double digits or finish middle school. This was the movement that “liberated” women, who now dramatically take more antidepressant medication than ever before, and are in the labor force doing jobs men biologically are more efficient at, sometimes even as they are raising young children in the home. This was the movement that normalized the pride in sodomy, and perverted the God-given institutuion of marriage between a man and a woman. Soon, this slippery slope in the name of sexual “liberation” would lead to a society no longer able to identify male and female as the only two genders, and define what each of them respectively meant. What are the impacts of breaking down a common religion, morality, and purpose amongst a people? The effects are damning, and noted in various studies: greater crime, greater amounts of drop-outs from school, more marital problems themselves as they grow older, and beyond. Divorced parents and broken households are amongst the top themes of mass shooters. Surely, the sexual revolution and secularism has contributed to that, which in turn produces violent lunatics who see morality as subjective, human life as darwinian, and God as outdated. Following the 1960s, the murder rate soared. And so has a plethora of other problems.
Another problem, noted by my priest, is the fact that mental institutions which once permanently housed and cared for those with mental illness, and those that may have posed threats to others, now have been closed, and these individuals roam our streets and communities, and we think the way of “humility” is to let them rot on the sidewalk, or give them the opportunity to shoot up schools or other places of public accommodation. Let’s turn back to the history books: “1967: Ronald Reagan is elected governor of California. At this point, the number of patients in state hospitals had fallen to 22,000, and the Reagan administration uses the decline as a reason to make cuts to the Department of Mental Hygiene. They cut 2,600 jobs and 10% of the budget despite reports showing that hospitals were already below recommended staffing levels. Reagan signs the Lanterman-Petris-Short Act and ends the practice of institutionalizing patients against their will, or for indefinite amounts of time. This law is regarded by some as a ‘patient’s bill of rights’. Sadly, the care outside state hospitals was inadequate. The year after the law goes into effect, a study shows the number of mentally ill people entering San Mateo's criminal justice system doubles. President Reagan repeals Carter’s legislation with the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act. This pushes the responsibility of mentally ill patients back to the states. The legislation creates block grants for the states, but federal spending on mental illness declines. The U.S. The Department of Justice estimates that 10% of state prisoners have symptoms that meet criteria for a psychotic disorder. 2015: In the San Francisco Homeless Count, 55% of people experiencing chronic homelessness report they have emotional or psychiatric conditions.” Closing mental asylums in the 1970s was a horrific mistake, and while some of the operations at these places like lobotomies undeniably were wrong and violated the right and dignity of those persons, how can we expect the mentally ill to understand what is right in normal society?
Let’s look at another interesting study:“Dr. Ira Glick, from Stanford University's School of Medicine did a study with his team on 35 mass shooting cases that occurred in the United States between 1982 and 2019 and involved shooters who survived and were brought to trial. Analysis of various sources of medical evidence on the mass shooters showed that 28 had mental illness diagnoses. Eighteen had schizophrenia and 10 had other diagnoses including bipolar disorder, delusional disorder, personality disorders and substance-related disorders. Of the 28 shooters with a mental illness diagnosis, none were medicated or received other treatment for their disorders prior to their crimes, according to the study published recently in the Journal of Clinical Psychopharmacology. Dr. Glick and his colleagues also examined 20 mass shooters who died at the crime scene and found that eight had schizophrenia, seven had other mental health diagnoses, and five had unknown diagnoses. None were receiving appropriate medications.”
Is mental illness a problem driving mass shooters? You bet. Let’s talk about serious mental health solutions: such as institutionalizing those making serious threats, and restoring a Christian moral order to bring back virtue and spiritual flourishment to a depraved society.
They never talk about the benefits of the 2nd amendment and the right to bear arms though. As noted by Liberty.Edu: “It is estimated that 1,029,615 individuals use guns every year in self-defense, excluding those in the police force and the military. Of those people, 162,000 said they “almost certainly would have been killed” without their firearm to protect them. To put it in perspective, the average homicide gun-related death per year is 11,208. As of 2019, there are over 20 million concealed carry permit holders in the United States. The vast majority of these individuals are law-abiding citizens who wish to be able to protect themselves and the ones they love.”
A similar article by stated: “25.3 Million Americans (31% of gun owners) have used a gun in self defense. In nearly 82% of these cases, the gun was never fired. According to the National Research Council study done during Obama’s presidency, guns are used for self-defense between: 500,000-3 Million Times Every Year (1,369 – 8,219 Times Every Day).” A article noted: “60% of convicted felons admitted that they avoided committing crimes when they knew the victim was armed. Forty percent of convicted felons admitted that they avoided committing crimes when they thought the victim might be armed. Felons report that they avoid entering houses where people are at home because they fear being shot. By 66% to 32%, economists and criminologists answer that gun-free zones are ‘more likely to attract criminals than they are to deter them.’ A 60% to 40% margin thinks that guns in the home do not increase suicides. And a 62% to 35% spread says that guns are used in self-defense to stop crime more often than in the commission of crime.” This doesn’t even consider the estimated 200,000 women a year who use guns to prevent sexual assault or violence against them. If only the media showed the full story and the real big picture! Instead they push lies!
One of their major lies is that the assault weapons ban was effective. “From 1982-94, there were an average of 1.4615 mass shootings per year, and 1.6 mass shootings per year during the AWB years, 1995-2004, when the ban expired. From 2005 to 2021, there were an average of 5.1176 mass shootings per year, far more than the 1.6 from the AWB years.” The evidence shows no significant reductions were made by the assault weapons ban in reducing mass shootings, and that people who note correctly shootings did increase once the ban was ended, fail to consider the copycat crime culture of Columbine just began to be underway, tough policing measures enacted in the 90s reduced crime for the time period, and other cultural factors changed from the 90s to 2000s. Therefore, the assault weapons ban was not the great life saving piece of legislation Democrats like Joe Biden make it out to be. And it most certainly should not be brought back and enacted. This point is irrelevant, though, because they don’t care about solutions. They care about control, promulgating their narrative, and remaining in power and increasing it. Didn’t 2020- the year of anarcho-tyranny, teach us that lesson?
They talk and talk, but you know what they don’t talk about, which is driving this surge in violence and has been for decades in this country: the fact our elites have abandoned us and screwed the American people, the American family, and the American worker over. They have shipped our jobs- which paid great benefits and wages in jobs of industry, and allowed us to contribute to the good of the nation, to our adversaries and third world nations overseas, for cheap labor. They have destroyed the American family by taking on an insane fiscal and monetary policy that has made it impossible to live off of one income for a man and his family like we used to in the 1950s; it’s now impossible to buy a single family home that way. They have made our education system ruthless to children by keeping them inside- out of the sun- for seven or eight hours a day, and requiring them to learn useless criteria that they will never use in their adult life, and they’ve drowned them in debt with college by handing out student loans like cookies that they will never pay back. They talk about these things, but they don’t talk about the opioid deaths and drug overdoses, or suicides, all of which have increased in the past few decades thanks to our corrupt politicians selling out to Big Pharma and other transnational corporations who manipulate us and our health, all problems which worsened in the pandemic while their profits soared. They don’t talk about banning porn which has corrupted the minds of our youth, or hookup culture which is emboldened by pornography, and has ruined relationships between men and women. They don’t talk about the poison in our foods- the usage of seed oils beginning in the 1970s which has demonstrably led to negative health outcomes- problems like obesity, heart disease, cancer, and diabetes or plastic packaging in the 80s onward rather than glass, only to find out microplastics are destroying our bodies and being consumed and going into our lungs, and are destroying the planet and marine life. They don’t the soaring divorce rates since the 1960s, the low marriage rates, the low birth rates or low church attendance- all things fueling our epidemic of violence, which stems from a broken society in spirit, and a rejection of Jesus Christ. You’ve heard it before and you hear it constantly in my essays, but haven’t you realized; it’s all connected: the virtues of a people and the demographics of a people is what makes up the people, and both of those have dramatically changed since the 1960s, in turn with an increase in violence- namely from guns.
But they don’t talk about the border invasion; they don’t talk about demographic replacement. They have systematically waged war on white people by demographically replacing them with immigration and the importation of foreigners who are fundamentally not American. You know, they say talking about demographic changes leads to shootings like that in Buffalo or El Paso, and while I condemn those disgusting, reprehensible acts of racism and bigotry, and there’s no excuse for such acts of prejudice being used to justify the killing of innocent people, or any type of violence, but I disagree and note this: what do they think demographic replacement does to a people? Importing foreigners that don’t speak out language, don’t appeal to the living standards we do, don’t take pride in their environment like we do, don’t have much skill and take up low skilled jobs that once great manufacturing jobs provided to our high school graduate people, don’t assimilate culturally to our people, don’t share our values or our heritage and pride in our nation’s history do? More non-white immigration and diversity has led to greater divisions, reduced living standards, more crime, less trust between neighbors, and less unification amongst our people. There’s no excusing these things for violence, but these are the root causes of these problems, and extremists who take these facts about demographic replacement too far and twist it into justifying mass murder are wicked, but if someone shoots up someone for saying the sky is blue: that doesn’t make the sky not blue. The problem is that people say America is just “an idea.” It’s not. And we must stop acting like that, or America will be lost for good. To quote Pat Buchanan, the original America First conservative: “When a religion dies, the culture and civilization that grew out of it die with it.” He similarly, and brilliantly, noted: “We are trying to create a nation that has never before existed, of all the races, tribes, cultures and creeds of Earth, where all are equal. In this utopian drive for the perfect society of our dreams we are killing the real country we inherited- the best and greatest country on earth.” If we want to end this scourge of violence, let us turn to Christ.
But returning to the issue of this rise of gun violence and mass shootings, I’d like to leave you with a quote by Nicholas J. Fuentes, an America First patriot, who gets a lot of hate himself, unfortunately. He reasoned: “The reason you see this rise in anti-social violence, is because we have a complete breakdown of the society. Time and again when you see these kinds of mass shooters or killers- even the foiled plots by mass shooters, what you find are mentally ill people or people that are simply socially dislocated. That’s it. And in a society where there was a social fabric- where there was a real moral and social fabric, it would be a lot more difficult for these kinds of people to slip through the cracks. But, in a society where parents don’t talk to their kids, and where there’s not really a sense of broad social concern, when the institutions are impersonal and bureaucratic, when the structures are oppressive and not responsive to the- not just the physical needs, but the spiritual and the social needs of people, this is what begets an anti-social climate broadly, which is the catalyst, which is the formal breeding ground for this kind of violence for a person like this spiraling out of control in this manner. And you could take this and substitute it for any one of the other episodes of mass violence or attempted mass violence, or a lot of instances of fanaticism, radicalism, or extremism- any of them. So many of our problems are diagnosable from the fact we’re social creatures deprived of the real society; social animals living in a society but yet: dislocated and disoriented, and deprived of the essential things that a person needs to thrive.”
These events of the past few weeks break the hearts of myself, and those of the right and those of the left on the ideological spectrum. It reminds us that objective evils do exist, and we as human beings can see this because it has been enshrined by God our Creator into our hearts so that we may clearly know what is right and wrong. These times require us to lean on God, lean on one another, and love one another, and show empathy to one another. Such situations- like the violence and destruction may make it hard to understand how God could be all-knowing and all-loving and allow this to happen, but truly, there are in fact theological explanations for this, but in order to be a good apologist for the faith, we mustn’t only recite philosophical points, we must spread the faith with love and reverence, and offer support to those struggling in the midst of such hardship; which Jesus tells us is the greatest of His commands following honoring Him. One of the quotes that Robert F. Kennedy used was one by the poet Aeschylus. The quote was: "In our sleep, pain which cannot forget falls drop by drop upon the heart until, in our own despair, against our will, comes wisdom through the awful grace of God." May God give us the strength, the grace, and the mercy to overcome the problems facing our country- particularly by ending the surge of violence in our country, even as we are divided in so many ways, so that may restore the sanctity of life for all human beings- for those in the womb from abortion, to those at a school, at a restaurant, at a movie theater, or at a place of religious worship from a gun. May we do this and all things of greatness as a country and a people, through Christ our Lord. Amen.